Sunday, January 31, 2010

Meat Free Monday 1/2/10

(Although we've actually had a meat free weekend, due to Jess the Wonderdog having an emergency vet trip on Friday and wiping out our bank account, but that is a story for another day)

So we've been Meat Free Monday-ing for a little while now. You can check out their website at

We decided to get on board for a number of reasons. We're trying to reduce our footprint in as many ways as we can, and reducing the amount of meat we eat is a great place to start. I know that as a family, we eat more meat than we necessarily should healthwise. And a couple of vego meals a week is not too bad for the waistline or the bank balance either.

Tonight, we're having vego kebabs. I'm making felafel from the following recipe:

2 tins chickpeas, rinsed and drained
In the food processor until the chickpeas are finely chopped
then into a bowl with some
1/4 cup flour
and an egg
oh, and a spanish onion finely chopped

then rolling it into balls, whack them in the fridge for a bit and then spray with oil and bake until golden.


I made some hoummous too (chickpea overload, but yum) and we're going to wrap them up with some lettuce, onion, tomato and cheese in a pita bread and toast them in the sandwich press.

We shall probably be pretty stinky people tomorrow, so don't sit next to us on the bus.

What's on your dinner plate tonight?

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